Monday, January 30, 2017

Vet Tech Tips

Skilled Professional?  Newbie?  Read on to discover some thoughts on what makes for a great Vet Tech. 

Be Creative
It is easy to look at a supplied list and use it as a treatment outline.  A talented  Tech goes beyond the checklist! 
  • Meds--Why has the medication been prescribed? Think about what you are administering and what the patient has previously been prescribed.   Is there a possibility of an interaction?  Any side effects?  Can you group meds or must they be given separately and/or at specific intervals?  What should be expected from the treatment? 
  • Quality of care--A hospital visit or stay is scary; you can help your patient cope with the stress. Is their treatment area clean and soothing?  Is their bedding fresh and dry?  Don't rely on your vision alone.  Let your fingers do the walking through the towels, padding, etc.  Is there water available?  Have they been fed?  Are they allowed either? A gentle word or loving scratch under the chin will go a long way to your patient's comfort.
Checklists are OK, but don't stop there.  Think, Tech, Think...and provide the expert care that your patient deserves.

Predict, Plan, Prepare  
Show your vet and the entire practice team your value by anticipating both the needs of the patient and the needs of the team.    A wise Vet Tech thinks critically, analyzes all the data and, just maybe, listens at the examination room door.  Always consider the practice's rules, both the vet's and client's needs,  and the goal to provide the very best care. 
Think proactive not reactive, and you'll be the "Tech guru" at your practice.

Speak, Vet Tech, Speak
Yes, you're skilled in understanding animals...that's why you became a Vet Tech!  It's up to you to be their voice. Monitor their pain and discuss best choices.  Be sure that all of the critical facts have been conveyed to the vet prior to any procedure.  Sometimes it's as simple as watching over the foods they eat or the time they eat. Would an extra fleece pad in their cage help their arthritis?   Listen to the patient, Communicate their needs. 

Never Stop Learning
The world of veterinary medicine is ever-changing and you have to commit yourself to ever-education.  How to do it?  Read Journals like Clinician’s Brief, Veterinary Team Brief, or scientific journals like the Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care or the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.  Explore continuing education courses.  Your vet will be thrilled to help you in your question for knowledge and your goal to be the Vet Tech who sets the bar of excellence. 

Those who can...Teach!
Make it your goal to share your knowledge and skills.  Not only will you earn the respect and undying faith of the newest member of the team, you'll  revitalize your own career.    
Do you have a tip or trick that will help the Vet Tech community?  Contact Diagnostic Imaging Systems and let us know.

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